OnCourse Goggles How To Videos

Performance Gain 1500m Swim
Minutes Shaved Off 1500m Swim
Anxiety Reduction
Cost Compared to Others
- OnCourse Goggles Performance Boost 15%
- Swim Skin Performance Boost 5%
- Wet Suit Performance Boost 8%
- Aerodynamic Helmet Perfomance Boost 1%
- Aerodynamic Wheels Performance Boost 4%
Swim: 1500m at a pace of 2:00/100m - Bike: 40k at a pace of 18 mph
Open Water Swimming Goggles with an Amazing Advantage
OnCourse Goggles get results. At half the cost of a wet suit, and less than one tenth of the cost of aerodynamic bicycle wheels, OnCourse open water swimming goggles will help you swim straight in open water and can deliver up to a 15% performance improvement, even for an accomplished swimmer. We analyzed a variety of performance enhancing gear such as swim skins, wet suits, aerodynamic helmets and aerodynamic bicycling wheels. Nothing compared to the time savings that are realized during triathlons by swimming in a straight line in open water with OnCourse Goggles.